I think they missed the point here!

June 11, 2009

I’m pretty sure this isn’t what Jesus had in mind. After all doesn’t the gospel mean “good news”.

church sign

The Wii killer

June 9, 2009

I traded in my xbox 360 because of all the glitches and the failure of HD DVD, then picked up Playstation 3 for the blu-ray and got a wii for the detection of movements in three dimensions. But I think i might switch back to xbox 360 due to Project Natal and because Josh keeps asking me too.

Fake Brands

June 9, 2009

:: Beware:: of those imitators out there like Nike, Adidas, McDonalds, and Sprite. Make sure you get the real deal like these:

Wii like to party

May 20, 2009

last week van and i went to target and bought a wii!! it is the dopeness! we got it with the intention of me being able to work out on it since it stays at home and is way more fun than a gym. and you know what? it IS way more fun! i can even work out in shorts, at night, and while watching sam. mind you this is only my third day on it but i love how i can get competitive with van’s scores and try to beat my own. i have been converted to wii!

The Office Japanese version

May 19, 2009

The Office Japanese version

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the cool side of twitter

May 1, 2009


so van and i joined twitter.  i know you guys think it’s lame and all but it can be fun reading random thoughts and you can also get cool updates on your fav. shows… heres’s some of my fav tweets:

rainnwilson: is running late for Star Trek premiere, oh my

suckington: Meow meow eyebrow zit. Meow crap.

jjcalleiro: avoid the swine flu… dont do this…http://post.ly/QFw

suckington: Meow meow on the rag. Meow kitty cycle.

rochelleyerrick: paul: paula always sounds like a  hallmark card on retard

TheEllenShow: http://twitpic.com/464y7 I think Matthew Perry should change his Twitter pic to get more followers. Here’s my suggestion. Let me know

BBBaumgartner: My alarm went off at 4:40am this morning. I instantly felt sickness in my stomach, and a hatred of mankind. These are normal feelings, right?

ok so bbaumgartner is kevin from the office, suckington is a cat and is one of angela’s cats., jjcalleiro is jason, and rochelleyerrick is you get it… there’s more but i dont feel like typing them all up.

ok two more:

rainnwilson: I’m going to buy a pair of crocs so I can melt them down and pour them as molten liquid into the eyes of whoever invented them.

and my fav:

rainnwilson:I am the biggest Xena fan! http://post.ly/K65

cool bike stunts

April 23, 2009

Eventful week :)

April 23, 2009

So last week was Mikey’s bday on the 5th, Josh’s bday on the 6th, and Van’s bday on the 9th. I find that so neat that they share the same bday month 🙂 We got to all get together last friday to celebrate Van’s bday and the boys together with Ging and Van’s parents. Even my parents came by for a quick visit (i didnt take a pic of them so that they wont get caught for escaping from my grandma).


Well besides all the bdays, last week was also the first natural disaster to threaten our home and it’s not even hurricane season yet!  some punky kids started a brush fire by our house but all is good. our house didn’t burn down 🙂 and we were on the news… well sorta… there was a clip of van looking away from our house. we’re so famous!  here’s a link to the story on the newspaper: http://www.news-press.com/article/20090409/CRIME/90409041/1003/ACC   (we’re one of the two houses threatened).


anyhoo, on friday was also Pheobe and Princess Consuela Bannana Hammock’s first piece of cake:


Orlando fun/ Relay for Life

March 21, 2009

this thursday was the longest day ive had in a while.. maybe even in my life…. well thats cause i was awake for 34 hours! my day started on wednesday at 4pm when i woke up to go to work, then i got home on thursday and took a 30min nap, then went to orlando and lakeland, and got home at 130am at went to sleep at 2am on friday. crazzy huh?
well anyhoo we went to orlando (van drove 🙂 ) to visit my friend Kim (friend from UF who happens to be the dopest lover of asia ever) who was visiting from Japan (cause she lives there now and chances are we wont be going to visit her house anytime soon). so we met up at Florida Mall and went to a thai restaurant, then went to Lollicup…my fav boba tea place ever! and btw got my tattoo idea from:

and the website for the boba is: http://www.lollicup.com i love it!
then we went to the Mall at Millenia
we met up with a friend of hers and went to some stores then went to Ikea!!!
van was such a trooper… he hung out with girls at a mall who he hardly knew, just for me 🙂 so sweet! anyhoo ikea was fun but we didnt get a chance to really look at everything so we have to go back.
thats us under a bunkbed, kim likes silly pics 🙂
then we went to lakeland and got to hang out with van’s former roommate Justin and his wife Krista at Chilli’s and then saw their crib. so fun… they make such a cute couple… and of coursei forgot to take pictures over there… i wish you could see how cute downtown lakeland is. oh well…

we had so much fun on this road trip… we have to take another one soon!

and then today (friday) we got to help out the starbucks booth at the Relay for Life event in cape coral. i got to be an honorary barista! i poured 2 coffees! it was really nice to hang out with van’s coworkers and other partners from the nearby starbucks. it was also an honor to help out with relay for life. towards 9pm, they started lighting these candles placed in paper bags that represented people who have survived cancer, are battling cancer, or had died from cancer. it was so touching. then they had lit some of these bags on the bleachers and it spelled out “hope”… then they said to look again and it had changed to “cure”. so nice and sad all at once. cancer affects soooo many people… its crazy.

David and Goliath

March 14, 2009

It has been I while since I posted anything, partly because I have been busy preparing sermons for college and youth group.  At Crave (Summit’s youth group) we are going through a series called ‘faith’. In a couple of weeks I will continue the series with the topic of ‘defending your faith’ drawing out examples from the legendary story of David and Goliath. Now, if you ever grew up in church then you should be familiar with the story of David and Goliath, but if you haven’t maybe this reenactment would put images in your mind of what the historical biblical narrative looked like.